Blog: The Voices in my Head....

Writer Wednesday: Routines
Welcome to Writer Wednesday. On a Friday. Let's just call it Belated Writer Wednesday. Shall we? Raise your hand, please, if you struggle with finding a good writing routine. Let's chat...
Writer Wednesday: Routines
Welcome to Writer Wednesday. On a Friday. Let's just call it Belated Writer Wednesday. Shall we? Raise your hand, please, if you struggle with finding a good writing routine. Let's chat...

The Me I Left Behind (Maggie's Story)
If you've been keeping up with my Tuckaway Bay Series, you know I'm currently working on book 4, The Me I Left Behind: Maggie's Story. To recap, here are the books...
The Me I Left Behind (Maggie's Story)
If you've been keeping up with my Tuckaway Bay Series, you know I'm currently working on book 4, The Me I Left Behind: Maggie's Story. To recap, here are the books...

2024 Recap!
As 2024 draws to a close, I'm taking a minute to reflect on my writing accomplishments for this past year. Isn't that the way we do things? Here's the list...
2024 Recap!
As 2024 draws to a close, I'm taking a minute to reflect on my writing accomplishments for this past year. Isn't that the way we do things? Here's the list...

Writer Wednesday - Publishing Your Way
PUBLISHING YOUR WAY I often say to myself, and others, "I am the ruler of my world." That means, I make the best decisions for myself--but that doesn't mean I...
Writer Wednesday - Publishing Your Way
PUBLISHING YOUR WAY I often say to myself, and others, "I am the ruler of my world." That means, I make the best decisions for myself--but that doesn't mean I...

Nurturing Your Ideas and Creativity (Part 2)
WHEN DOES AN IDEA BECOME A PROJECT? I say, when the idea takes on a life of its own—when it becomes increasingly fully formed in your head. For me, some signs...
Nurturing Your Ideas and Creativity (Part 2)
WHEN DOES AN IDEA BECOME A PROJECT? I say, when the idea takes on a life of its own—when it becomes increasingly fully formed in your head. For me, some signs...