5 Reasons to Buy Direct & 7 Ways to Maximize your Book Buying Experience

5 Reasons to Buy Direct & 7 Ways to Maximize your Book Buying Experience

5 Reasons to Buy Books Direct from an Author

  1. Prices are lower than retail, so you save $$!
  2. Readers who buy direct get perks when signing up for my newsletter (free books, discount codes, and more...).
  3. You're helping support entrepreneur authors as they build their small businesses.
  4. You get access to exclusive content, bundles, deals, and sales.
  5. Readers get access to preorders faster!

And honestly, there are more perks, but let's leave it right there for now....

I know it’s scary buying books direct from an author. It’s new, it’s different, and you’re not sure how it works. I get that! You’re used to purchasing books from your favorite bookstore or retailer with one-click. Your device is connected to that store and the book magically appears in your reading device.

Easy peasy. It’s great for you and for the retailer. You’re reading that anticipated novel within seconds.

Will it also work that way when buying direct from the author? Yep, it sure can.

Here are also 7 ways to maximize your ebook buying experience when buying direct from my bookstore, Maddie James Books.

Please note: These tips are specific to my bookstore, powered by Shopify and Bookfunnel—other authors’ sites may operate differently.

  1. Create a Maddie James Books account. Add your personal and purchasing information in your account for faster shopping. Don’t worry, the site is safe (powered by Shopify), and your information is never sold or shared. Whenever you purchase or download a free ebook, you'll be asked if you want to create an account. Say yes! The next time you visit this bookstore, you can sign in again when purchasing a product, or click this icon in the footer below.

  2. Link your account to Shop! An easy way to do that is to follow on Shop! Locate the "follow on shop" icon in the black footer below, and you'll be instantly connected!  Download the Shop app for your phone, computer, or other device, and connect to your bookstore account. (https://shop.app/) The Shop app keeps track of your purchases and tracks delivery of print books. Plus, you can follow other authors (and other products!) you love in the Shop app. Bonus: Click “shop pay” the next time you purchase for one/two click shopping.

  3. Get the Bookfunnel App. (https://getbookfunnel.com/)  Once you’ve purchased an ebook or audiobook from Maddie James Books, Bookfunnel delivers the files to your email address. Bookfunnel sends a direct link or a code, provides choices and instructions for download, and offers customer service if needed (click the “help” button on the ebook download page). Download the Bookfunnel app to read your ebooks and/or listen to your audio books on your device. Bookfunnel downloads books directly to your iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire devices. (p.s. I use this app all the time to read and listen to my audiobooks!)

  4. Subscribe to my newsletter list. The best way to keep up with new book releases, sales, discounts, and special deals at the Maddie James Books bookstore, is by subscribing to my VIP Insider News email list. Already on the list? Great! If not, you can sign up for my newsletter now. (https://maddiejamesbooks.com/pages/newsletter

    Or click the red banner at the top of this page. 

  5. Use discount codes. Be sure to enter any discount codes you have at checkout. Once you become an established newsletter subscriber, you’ll receive your Lifetime Discount Code—use it with every purchase over $2.00.

  6. Watch for sales. You can learn about sales and deals in the Shop app, on the website, or via my newsletter. Check in often!

  7. More Bookstores. Not ready to purchase direct yet? That’s okay! My books are available at most bookstores. Look for “More Bookstore Options” or the Books2Read icon on the product page to find other bookstores, like Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Google Play, and more. 


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